It asks for confirmation, type A which means Yes to All, and hit enter. Step 6: To install all the updates, copy the below command paste it into PowerShell, and hit enter. Hide-WindowsUpdate -KBArticleID KB1234567 Here I have only 1 KB ID to update so I will go ahead with it and skip this command.

It requires the KB (Knowledge Base) ID to be mentioned so the update based on that particular ID will be ignored. This can be done by executing the below command before Step 6. Note: You can also install only a particular update that is required and ignore the rest. Copy the below command paste it into PowerShell and hit enter. It also has KB (Knowledge Base) ID in the output which might be required later during the installation of updates. The below get command checks the updates against the Microsoft update server and lists all the updates that are available for your system. Step 5: Now that the module has been installed and imported, you can check the number of updates available for your computer before even installing them. Step 4: The module has been installed, now import the module to the current PowerShell session and use it to manage the windows update.

Once the execution starts, at a point it asks for confirmation, type y, and hit enter. It will take a few minutes to start the execution so be patient. Copy and paste the command in the PowerShell and hit enter. The below command installs the PSWindowsUpdate module that is necessary for windows update on your system. Step 3: Next step is to install the modules or packages. This command enables which script is allowed to run on your computer basically it checks for the trustpolicy. It asks for confirmation of the execution policy, type y which means yes, and hit enter. Multiple server/computer names can be passed as an array to get the update information, or the server name can also be read from a text file and passed as parameter.Step 2: Copy the below command and paste it into the PowerShell window. $Results = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock, LastSearchSuccessDate, LastInstallationSuccessDate, NewUpdateCount, PendingReboot We can now wrap the script with invoke-command to remote execute in multiple systems function Get-WindowsUpdateInformation() Above codes can be combined to get following information about a computer.